Best Provider We Love What We Do
e-Tendering e-Tendering Matured with more than a decade of experience, ProcureTiger's e-Tendering suite is the most dynamic tool available in the market. We provide an online platform to both – buyer and seller to simplify the procurement process for large projects in order to minimize time and maximize utility.
Reverse Auction
Reverse Auction Reverse Auction is the best practice across corporate landscape to automate the negotiation process with suppliers and to drive the best market price of materials. ProcureTiger conducts real time, online reverse auction between a single buyer or organization and pre-qualified suppliers. Suppliers compete by presenting bids to the buyer for the supply of goods or services with prequalified and predefined specifications.
Forward Auctions
Forward Auctions Forward Auctions where a single seller offers goods/services for sale, with multiple buyers competing to buy the goods/services by bidding the best price upward. You can use the forward auction tool for auctioning everything from automobiles, real estate, machinery, etc. A forward auction is utilized on a consumer end for sales of goods and services of all types.
Portfolio Based Procurement
Portfolio Based Procurement Portfolio Based Procurement ProcureTiger has studied a full comprehensive picture of organizations and it thus offers Portfolio Based Procurement as a strategic approach to procurement and spend management. All your category spend management rooted through e-procurement is Portfolio based Procurement. We act as a Point of Contact (POC) and manage the entire procurement process for your organization.
We Are Excellent Achievements
PSE Summit
e-Gov PSE Summit

NPCIL has received eINDIA Governance Award for Purchase Automation System under Government to Business (G2B) Initiative category developed and implemented by abcProcure, which covers e-tendering, Purchase Order & Online Vendor Registration.

Information and Communication Technologies
ICT industry

Excellence in various realms of ICT industry "BEST SOFTWARE PRODUCT COMPANY", for development & deployment of e-Auction System for Spectrum Auction for Department of Telecommunication (DoT).


Atlantis Procurement Team has won the  "CIPS MENA AWARD" under "Most Improved Procurement Operation -Step Change " category using Procure Tiger's eProcurement tool and services.

our Asset Valuable Clients